Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today was the wrong day to wake up

I woke up this morning to an empty house. This is not the kind of morning you want to wake up to.

Yesterday was a long day. I decided to add an extra day of work to my regular work week. ease the pressure off the usual hustle heading into the weekend. help some people get there work on time. after the day had ended for most people - I even threw in an extra hour. a little bit more attention. a helping hand. @ 2:00 am, I decided to call it a night. what a night it was. while it slept it was only just beginning for someone else.

I woke up this morning to an empty house and my entire life changed - in a second. with just a thought.

Their is not a more hollow feeling than the moment you realize your life has been invaded. someone has forced their way into your life. Touched everything you care about. Taken whatever they have a mind to and left you - EMPTY - you turn to look for help and there is no-one there. your life can never be the same.

I woke up thismorning to an empty house. My life was... My life is...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't even begin to imagine what that feeling is like. All I can say is good to know you were protected by Gods angels, protected so that you can touch more lives with what you do. Remember that to whom much is given much is expected. Trust God.