Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Back to the Future

Hi Friends
It's been a while hasn't it. And it seems to be pretty easy to fall off the wagon as well. We set out on a path with great sincerity and an iron cast resolve. But somehow as we role down the street we get to the place where the ride gets comfortable, the wind caresses us gently, the elements seem to all conspire to sing us a lullaby.
Before we know it we are sitting in the dirt, shaking or heads trying to figure out what happened.
Whose fault is it? Did we loose focus? Was the planning not enough? Was the path the right one? What's to Stop it from happening again?
We all seem to know where we want to go. It's the trying to figure out which path takes us there that seems to keep messing with our heads.
Is it the path of least resistance? Is it the path with the best scenery? Is it the road well traveled?
I wish I had a road map.

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